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Who is owner of Tablet PC?

If owner is Mrs. choi , she have taking pictures from 2012 to 2014

and the pictures will be revealed with broadcast

and someone who know Mrs.choi said

"she taking tablet PC always and she take picture for match of jung-yoo-ra"

But there are no picture of Jung-you-ra

And it is not owner, in fact kakaotalk owner appear right-side

so it is false too

JTBC said "president park called mrs.choi teacher choi"

but it turn out to be a lie also with Prosecutors investigation

Sim-su-mi says 

"If we sweetheart deal with prosecutors,check location information and Everybody has to lie,

.telecommunication company and custodian also"

But prosecutor didn't announce official announcement of location informations

from 2012 to 2016, total just 3point, that's all

Why didn't prosecutor announce location point?

It is easy by them

Why? they still silence?

JTBC know that owner was ma:rei company at Oct/26 2016

but prosecutor know that after Oct/27 2016

because prosecutor sent official document of owner to SKT at Oct/27 2016

How did JTBC know faster than Prosecutor?

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